Did you just acquire Sunapsis? Receive the help and training to get up and running quickly.
Have you had Sunapsis for a while but feel you do not use all the features or use them effectively? Learn new and more effective ways to make the most of your Sunapsis installation.
Do you want to make Sunapsis even more functional for your institute with custom alerts, reports, and other features? Some custom features can help save you even more time for the tasks that really need your attention.
Are there tasks that you feel take more time than they should? Sunapsis is flexible with many options for completing tasks. There may be a better way!
I provide application administration services across the range of Sunapsis features. If you have questions as to whether I can or cannot help with your needs, contact me for a free initial consultation.
I meet all my clients’ needs with innovative solutions for managing foreign personnel records and fully utilizing Sunapsis’ features. My services provide comprehensive support for electronic form development, customizing Sunapsis features, data reporting, automation features, and end‑user training. Additionally, I have led multiple offices into modern, paperless environments.
If there are any tasks you feel are taking an inordinate amount of time, it is likely I can help you uncover better, faster ways to complete them.
E-Form Management and Implementation
Templates and E-Form Data Importation
Checklist Configuration
Online Services Configuration
User Profiles and Preferences
Alerts and Alert Email Automation
SEVIS Configuration
Email Services and Form Letters
General Application Configuration
Support & Training
Technical and End-User Support, Training, Troubleshooting
Professional Level Documentation (See a Sample)
Email Services and Form Letters
Application Updates and Hotfixes, Pre-production Testing
SEVIS RTI & Batching
Datafeed Support
Backend Support, Specialized Report Generation, Database Administration
Data Entry Standards and Business Processes Development
System Updates, Hotfixes, and Pre-Production Testing
Provide liaison support between Institute and Indiana University
Reporting & Compliance
Reporting Services including Open Doors
Specialized Report Generation
Data Validity Auditing